2. nemohli byt tito zlocinci potrestany pretoze tyto ludia kt kradli to robili cez s.r.o a a.s. ,kt v tom case zakonmi maly priznanie mensie brucenie/b za majetok ako dnesne zakony a nedavali skoro ziadne sankcie za porusovania. Mimo ineho tieto kradeze za Meciara boli robene za ucasti exekutorov, sudcov, b....../b mmarek napísal(a): KEby si staval dialnice a nerozpredával Slovensko už mohli byť hotové.bHotel/b na Táloch je na kamarada alebo na teba? 30.01.2010 16:40:05 ...
The ProMBA representation at the retreat had Nela Rucic (EA FEMBA Director), Judd Lather (FEMBA Council President), Aiying Sun (Entrepreneurial Owner Manager), and myself Giang Biscan (Outreach Owner Manager). Pramod TY (VC focus Owner ...
The ProMBA representation at the retreat had Nela Rucic (EA FEMBA Director), Judd Lather (FEMBA Council President), Aiying Sun (Entrepreneurial Owner Manager), and myself Giang Biscan (Outreach Owner Manager). Pramod TY (VC focus Owner ...